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Main Street Streetscape

For decades, the City of Collinsville dealt with deteriorating infrastructure, vacant buildings, and a lack of foot traffic in their downtown business district. In 1997,…

City Hall Parking Lot

The City razed an 11,000 square foot vacant building across from City Hall to bring more parking to downtown Collinsville. The 50-space lot features paved…

Street Development Plan

The City of Edwardsville asked Oates Associates to help create a plan to accommodate transportation needs in the rapidly developing residential area east of the…

IL-159 Feasibility Study

Oates Associates conducted a study which investigated the potential for either improving or supplementing IL-159 between two five-lane segments. Within the nine square mile study…

Highland Trail Master Plan

The City of Highland Parks and Recreation Department conducted a survey asking residents to evaluate services offered by the Department. Residents were asked to rank…

Sewer + Water Expansion

The City of Collinsville needed to expand its existing wastewater treatment plant and sanitary sewer collection system to meet current demand, as well as provide…

Belle Valley Industrial Park

Phases I through III of the 120 acre Belle Valley Industrial Park expansion were funded by grants from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. Oates Associates…

Eastport Plaza Development

Oates Associates has provided planning, survey, design and construction engineering services for this 400-acre development located at the intersection of I-55/70 and I-255. Occupants of…

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