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  • City of Edwardsville, Illinois

The City of Edwardsville asked Oates Associates to help create a plan to accommodate transportation needs in the rapidly developing residential area east of the city. The project involved data collection, analysis of future land use and traffic, recommendations to accommodate future development and traffic, cost estimates and funding options, and a written report and presentation of the report in public meetings.

Data Collection – included an inventory of location, lanes and condition of the existing road network, traffic and accident data, existing and proposed land use and zoning, environmental data and utility data all logged on an area base map.

Analysis – required development of a future land use map, estimates of population and employment growth and the related traffic, assignment of traffic to corridors, analysis of existing road capacities and development of a traffic map of future conditions.

Recommendations – included several proposed road improvements with a definition of the project need, description of the improvement, impacts of the improvement and cost estimates as well as funding requirements and potential sources.

The most significant conclusion from the study was that lack of east-west routes for the growing traffic demand was causing a concentration of traffic on the Goshen Road/ Center Grove Road corridor from IL-157 on the west to IL-143/ I-55 on the east. Options included expanding Goshen Road Center/ Grove Road or developing a new east-west route. The then-dormant Edwardsville South ByPass route (Governors’ Parkway) was proposed as the new reliever corridor.

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