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  • City of Collinsville, Illinois
Construction Cost
  • $5,500,000

The City of Collinsville needed to expand its existing wastewater treatment plant and sanitary sewer collection system to meet current demand, as well as provide capacity for the next 20 years of growth and expansion. Further, large portions of the City’s Facility Planning Area remained unsewered at the time of this study, severely limiting the potential for rapid growth and expansion of the City. The extension of public water supplies to areas east and south of the town was needed to support new development. Upgrades and installation of new treatment processes were required to meet new and more stringent environmental regulations. Oates Associates was hired to study the situation and present a plan for capital improvements to the water and wastewater system to ensure that Collinsville will be prepared to meet the demands and the challenges of the next 20 years.

Our report evaluated current conditions and improvement needs, prioritized proposed improvements, studied rates, and developed financing plans.  Following the completion of the plan in 2005, Oates began design of seven different sanitary sewer and water line extension projects, described below. Over 40,000 feet of sanitary sewer and almost 18,000 feet of water main were designed. These projects required survey, design, plan preparation, easement preparation and negotiation, permit applications and construction observation.

Mulberry Street Sewer and Water Extension 

1,800 foot extension of sanitary sewer and larger diameter potable water service, including design of a new wastewater pump station.

Phase 1 East Water Main and Sanitary Sewer Extension 

Extension of 10-inch water main to connect to an existing main, closing an 11,000 foot loop. Construction of 13,500 linear feet of 21 inch, 8,500 linear feet of 12 inch gravity sanitary sewer, and 5,500 linear feet of 8” sanitary force main, including design of a new wastewater pump station.

McDonough Lake Road Sewer and Water Extension 

5,000 foot extension of sanitary sewers and potable water service, including design of a new wastewater pump station.

Fournie Lane Sewer Extension 

1,200 foot sanitary sewer extension, including design of a small wastewater pump station.

Sugarloaf Sewer Extension 

4,600 feet of 12” sanitary sewer extension to serve a proposed 150-lot residential development as well as hundreds of acres of existing developed and undeveloped land.

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