Wilson Road Box Culverts
Chesterfield, Missouri
- City of Chesterfield, Missouri
- $458,000
Deteriorating conditions of box culverts that carry Wilson Road over Wilson Tributary and an Unnamed Tributary has lead to their full replacement. The City of Chesterfield engaged Oates Associates to study the conditions and design the replacement of the structures.
Oates performed a floodplain study and hydraulic analysis to determine the impacts of the replacement on the floodplain. The 11’ x 6’ box culvert carrying Wilson Tributary will be replaced with a double 13’ x 8’ cast-in-place box culvert. The roadway over the culvert will be reconstructed and paved shoulders will be added. The culvert carrying the Unnamed Tributary will be replaced as funding allows.
The scope of work included topographic and right-of-way survey; hydraulic analysis; utility coordination; box culvert design; roadway design; staging plans; and the preparation of contract plans, special provisions and estimates.