Troy ADA Transition Plan
Troy, Illinois
- City of Troy, Illinois
Oates Associates worked with the City of Troy to develop a long-range planning document to guide the City in addressing ADA compliance at City owned buildings, facilities and pedestrian accommodations as well as to prioritize future improvements.
The process included field measurements at all buildings and facilities and analyzing all sidewalks and curb ramps on public right-of-way for ADA compliance. The process also included reviewing existing information, including long range planning documents, GIS information, future city improvement plans affecting facilities, and ordinance and permit requirements. A summary of findings, including suggested changes to ordinances and permits related to accessibility, were provided with the final report.
After inventorying City owned buildings and facilities, in addition to pedestrian accommodations, a prioritization score was developed based on feedback from key stakeholders in addition to City staff. The prioritization for City owned buildings and facilities was based on the public usage for each facility. The prioritization for pedestrian facilities was based on a combination of the physical condition of the segment and the proximity of the segment to various pedestrian traffic generators.
A planning level cost estimate was developed within GIS to bring each sidewalk segment or curb ramp into compliance. In addition to the removal and reconstruction of the sidewalk, the cost estimates also included ancillary costs associated with the reconstruction of the sidewalk, including driveway reconstruction and utility adjustments.
The City’s primary goals were to develop an administrative policy to address non-compliant sidewalk segments and facilities, develop a plan to outline deficiencies, and produce a corrective action program for city-wide improvements. The sidewalk segments and curb ramps were grouped into logical projects based on the priority score and available funds. City owned facilities were prioritized by the level of public usage. The Plan guides the City in their efforts to maximize improvements to the pedestrian facilities that are most in need of improvements and serve the highest number of residents.