Riggin Road Speed Study
Troy, Illinois
- City of Troy, Illinois
Residents that live along Riggin Road have trouble exiting their driveways between IL-162 and Reid Avenue. The residents identified excessive traffic volume and speed as the main reason for the problem. To slow down traffic and help address the resident’s concerns, the City installed an all-way stop sign at its intersection with Briarwood Drive/ Ackerman Avenue. Since the all-way stop sign has been in operation, the City has received complaints that motorists roll through the sign and that the sign is not warranted. The City of Troy requested Oates Associates perform a study along Riggin Road to confirm resident’s concerns and offer solutions to address the problems.
Riggin Road is an urban collector route designed to balance local access to adjacent properties with providing mobility for through traffic. The large growth north of the City has increased the average daily traffic (ADT) on Riggin Road to the point where the primary function has changed. Because the traffic volumes are higher than originally intended for this road, residents living along Riggin Road have trouble finding enough gaps in the traffic to exit their driveways.
Oates Associates performed gap acceptance and speed studies, traffic counts, and stop sign warrants. The report evaluated options to slow down (i.e., “calm”) traffic so that there is more travel time between cars as well as reduce the amount of cars on Riggin Road by providing an alternate north-south route. Short-term and long-term solutions were presented to the City.