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  • Illinois Department of Transportation

Oates Associates is working with the Bureau of Bridges and Structures (BBS) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to provide annual Quality Assurance (QA) reviews of National Bridge Inspection Standard (NBIS) programs of various state and local agencies. Oates has worked with the BBS on these reviews since 2012.  The process involves an interview of the agencies NBIS program staff, inspection of randomly selected bridges to ensure proper condition ratings were assigned, and documentation of the review findings.  These projects typically require 1,000 hours each year to review 18 different agencies throughout Illinois.

We have completed QA reviews for over 110 agencies. The agencies have included IDOT Districts (including District 1 in Chicago), the Illinois State Toll Highway System (ISTHA), counties, and municipalities.  These reviews have given Oates valuable experience completing inspections under a wide range of conditions – from one lane rural bridges to urban bridges crossing 16 lanes of interstate traffic.  The interviews have given Oates insight into best practices for both completing bridge inspections and repairing bridge deficiencies.

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