MetroLink Extension
St. Clair County, Illinois
- Metro
- $400,000,000
The St. Clair County MetroLink Extension was a three phase project encompassing a 25-mile extension of the light rail system from East St. Louis to the new Mid-America Airport.
Oates Associates was part of a team selected to perform program management for this major design project. We performed services through the preliminary design and final design phases of the project, as follows.
In preliminary design, property research and survey was performed to establish property lines, property owners and existing right-of-way on the entire alignment. Approximately half of the alignment will be constructed on an abandoned rail line, requiring re-establishment of 12 miles of railroad right-of-way. The total survey encompasses 35 sections and over 400 parcels. During final design, Oates prepared parcel plats for each property transaction, and a right-of-way strip map for the entire alignment.
We performed technical review of the civil sections of preliminary and final plans prepared by design firm subconsultants. This review included assumptions, standards, codes, plans, design concepts and costs estimates.
Based on our experience in preparing the Alternatives Analysis / Draft Environmental Impact Statement (AA/DEIS) under another contract, we will assist in developing alternatives for the Final Environmental Impact Statement.