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  • St. Louis County Department of Transportation

McKelvey Road is a two-lane roadway that provides connections between residential neighborhoods and many destinations, including the Maryland Heights Community Center, Aquaport, Dogport, McKelvey Woods Trail as well as Pattonville High School. Oates Associates was selected under two separate contracts to resurface McKelvey Road from Ameling Road to Glenpark Drive (Phase I) and from Glenpark Drive to Creve Coeur Mill Road (Phase II), which totals 1.3 miles.

The project involves pavement widening and surface improvements, improved traffic flow, new sidewalks and ADA compliant curb ramps, and a new traffic signal at Ameling Road. The resurfacing will reestablish the correct cross slope to improve drainage by minimizing localized ponding.

Oates Associates’ services include supplemental field survey; sidewalk and curb ramp design; drainage design; traffic signal design; and the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates.

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