Illinois Route 157 / Morrison Intersection
Collinsville, Illinois
- City of Collinsville, Illinois
- $1,400,000
The City of Collinsville initiated this intersection improvement project to fix a confusing configuration of intersecting streets near the local high school. The existing intersection layout is very unusual and consists of three intersections in close proximity. A significant number of motorists must make multiple turns within a short distance to navigate these intersections. Therefore, some users are confused, which typically results in significant vehicle backups and delays and increases the accident potential, which is magnified due to the number of young high school drivers who must travel through this area. As expected, this intersection experiences very high peak traffic flow volumes at the beginning and end of each school day.
Oates Associates prepared intersection design studies and construction plans for improvements necessary to realign the confusing and congested intersections of Illinois Route 157, Morrison Avenue and Caseyville Road. These improvements include geometric reconfiguration to simplify the intersection layout and reduce the number of potential conflicts. The two new intersections will be signalized and their signal systems will be interconnected. Dedicated turn lanes will be provided as needed to accommodate the predominant turning movements.