Ehlmann Road
St. Charles, Missouri
- St. Charles County Highway Department
- $1,925,000
Varying lane widths and the lack of left turn lanes contributed to traffic congestion on Ehlmann Road. Safety was also an issue as the crests of hills on the roadway limited driver visibility. To create a safe roadway for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic, Oates Associates reviewed several alignment and profile alternatives and developed a design that increased the sight distance while minimizing the grading requirements and right of way needs. Improvements consisted of pavement widening and reconstruction, re-profiling of vertical alignment at crests, new sidewalks, the addition of inlets and storm sewers, and retaining walls.
Services included roadway drainage design; ADA accommodations; plans, specifications and estimates, including traffic staging plans, erosion control plans, right-of-way plans; and construction consultation.