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  • City of St. Charles, Missouri
Construction Cost
  • $165,700

The Boone’s Lick box culvert is a 580 foot long, 9 foot by 10 foot box culvert that carries Blanchette Creek under 2nd Street and Boone’s Lick Road. The culvert was constructed in two phases with one section completed in the 1960s and another section completed in the 1980s. In 2005 an emergency repair was performed to prevent deterioration.

Due to its deteriorating conditions, Oates Associates inspected the box culvert to determine if repairing the structure was a feasible option, or if full replacement would be required. The City emphasized their desire to repair the culvert instead of having a full replacement. Isolated portions of the culvert were removed and replaced due to severe concrete spalling and delamination.

Oates provided structural analysis, roadway and structure design, topography and right-of-way survey, and final plans.

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