Biodetention / Biofiltration at Bellerive Park
St. Louis, Missouri
- City of St. Louis, Board of Public Service
- $120,000
Improvements at Bellerive Park included removal of the road and inlets, installation of new curbing, drainage, landscaping and ADA access to the playground. The removal of the existing access road from the bridge across Broadway to the cul-de-sac was replaced with a turf swale with a bioretention feature. The bioretention feature consists of layers of pre-mixed soil, sand, and gravel with an underdrain at the bottom of the feature. An existing inlet was modified to handle any overflow from the swale and outlet through an existing storm pipe. The pipe previously drained into a ditch adjacent to the railroad tracks. The project was reviewed and approved by the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD). The bioretention basin was designed using MSD best management practices for stormwater runoff collection and ground water infiltration/recharging.