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  • City of Edwardsville, Illinois
Construction Cost
  • $700,000

West Union Street was in poor condition from St. Louis Street to North Main Street, with the roadway surface being littered with localized pavement failures and potholes.  As an urban collector with 2,000 vehicles using it per day, maintaining the road’s function was a priority for the City.  The old brick roadway had been resurfaced several times over the years leading to curb heights less than 2” in several locations.  In addition, sidewalks did not meet handicap accessibility requirements, and many were broken, cracked, shifted, and hazardous to pedestrians.

Resurfacing the roadway improved the safety and comfort to motorists and bicyclists as well as extended the pavement life.  Repairs to the concrete curb improve drainage, and the construction of ADA compliant sidewalks provides a safe and enjoyable walking experience for all pedestrians, including the disabled.  Oates provided survey, design services, and provided construction administration/documentation and material testing for hot mix asphalt placement and concrete construction.  Design was performed and construction was documented according to Illinois Department of Transportation guidelines and procedures.

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