The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is in place to ensure that all people are afforded the same opportunities, and in part, have access to transportation and public accommodations. Oates Associates is pleased to announce that Travis Helmkamp, PE has earned his ADA Coordinator Certification. He completed the ADA Coordinators’ Training Certification Program, which is offered through the Great Plains ADA Center and the University of Missouri – College of Human and Environmental Sciences, School of Architectural Studies. The certification affirms that Mr. Helmkamp has extensive knowledge of the ADA process.
An ADA Coordinator ensures compliance with Title II of the ADA, which prohibits discrimination by public entities on the basis of disability. As an ADA Coordinator, Mr. Helmkamp has in-depth knowledge of ADA regulations and guidelines that he is able to apply when assisting local agencies with ADA issues.
Mr. Helmkamp is a project engineer at Oates Associates. He brings an expertise with pedestrian accommodations and ADA compliance, which was further developed through his recent training. Â He has served as the lead project engineer for several ADA Transition Plans, which has included developing customized GIS databases, inventorying and evaluating sidewalks and curb ramps, and prioritizing future planning efforts for the local agency.